УДК 622.821.325.3
DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-5-37-43
Shevchenko L. A., Tkachenko D. A. Physical aspects of methane mass transfer in well influence zones when degassing coal seams. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal =News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2019; 5: 37–43. DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-5-37-43
Introduction. Gas control and aerological safety of high-performance coal mining in mining faces is possible only after qualitative preliminary degasification, which requires a detailed study of methane mass transfer in well influence zone.
Research aims to simulate the processes of methane mass transfer to well’s exposed surface based on coal mass gas-dynamic state detailed study, taking into account the variable values of gas content along its length and unit segments exposure time. The summation of gas volumes released from each well segment in a definite time will characterize the total flow rate of a well for the same period. This allows a more soundly based design of coal seams preliminary degasification.
Methodology. Modern methods of coal seam degasification design do not take into account differentiated gas emission over the length of the well only using its total flow rate. However, the structure of total flow rate of gas into the well reveals the unevenness of initial gas emission from each unit segment depending on its distance from the wellhead; it creates general unevenness of gas yield over the length of the well until it enters the zone of steady gas pressure and gas content. The present article proposes a mathematical simulation method for a complex gas-dynamic process of methane mass transfer in the radial filtration mode within a circular power loop in a massif and a similar flow path in a well.
Results. The proposed method will make it possible to calculate the total flow rate of gas from coal seam near-wellbore zone and thereupon determine its residual gas content as well as develop the methods of coal seam degasification design.
Key words: well; coal seam; gas flow rate; gas permeability; gas pressure; gas content; radius of influence, filtration.
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Received 26 February 2019