Predicting stress zones at various stages of goldfield development


ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  
УДК 622.5; 622.58 DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2021-8-62-71



Introduction. The article deals with the research of parameters and characteristics of mine drainage elements for conveying unlit mine water, evaluation of efficiency and rationality of using such transport complexes as loading-delivery machines, scraper winches, wagons for mechanized cleaning of drain sumps from settling and accumulating mine sludge. At present, the solution of this issue is a widespread task for operating services of mining enterprises. At the same time, it is a promising direction for scientific research.
Methods of research. The scientific and practical experience in the field of mining drainage was analyzed and generalized. Mine drain sumps and their principles operation were described. Drain sumps operation working cycle was calculated and described. Operational parameters for a mechanized method of cleaning with transport complexes were calculated. The effectiveness of the measures for cleaning drain sumps using the means of a mechanized complex were calculated and assessed by determining quantitative efficiency indicators in the form of time spent by load-haul machines and transport complexes for cleaning.
Results and analysis. The efficiency of transport complexes was evaluated by calculating the time of their use for non-productive work. The structural scheme of sequential operation of water collectors and the process of their treatment during the calendar time is developed. It is determined that the existing drain sumps currently perform the function of mine water clarification ineffectively. The interrelation of decreasing of operating time of elements of centrifugal drainage pumps and composition of pumped liquid has been established.
Scope of results. The results of the research are recommended for implementation for all enterprises conducting underground mining works with the use of mine drainage, as well as for design institutes designing mine workings.

Keywords: drain sump; transport complex; productive time.



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