Zhabko A. V. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The work suggests the functions of yield surface and plastic potential on the basis of the author’s earlier investigations.
The limiting surface for the given functions is the surface of solid bodies (rocks) destruction, which is described by the law
of Coulomb. In fact, the suggested function represents the law of plastic deformation of solid bodies. It is analytically
proved that in the process of plastic deformation there occurs the turn of structural elements of the solid body. On the
basis of the given investigations some discrepancies are explained, which are observed in the process of rock strength
tests. Energetic variational principle of breaking (destruction) of solid bodies is obtained. On the basis of this principle the
appearance of ring structures in the premises of some mine workings is explained - the phenomenon of zone disintegration
of rocks. The dependence is suggested to calculate the scale factor of the given phenomenon. Geometric vicinity of
sliding surface shape in slopes to the arc of circle is justified.
Key words: criterion of breaking; differential equation; main stresses; sliding surface inclination angle; yield surface;
function of plastic potential; the law of Coulomb; plastic deformation; dilatancy; variational principle.
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