

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Lebedev Iu. V., Lebedeva T. A., Kokovin P. A., Aref'ev S. A. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg,
the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article examines the problems of sustainable land use in industrial regions; system of notions about land in the
sphere of sustainable land use is introduced. The methodology of sustainable land use is examined on the basis of
maintaining required level of biotic environmental control, hierarchy of control levels of sustainable land use (conceptual,
ideological, political, and economic) and scientific-technological principles of sustainable land use in industrial
regions. The principles include the substantiation of strategic priorities and indicators of sustainable land use in industrial regions;
complex (ecological-economic) estimation of land resources with the account of industrial production peculiarities;
determination of “corridors” of allowable land use in industrial regions; co-ordination of individual interests of land users
with social preferences; multicriterion optimization of land use on the basis of ecological-economic and social indicators.
The examined interdisciplinary approach with the use of strict mathematical formalization of social-ecological-economic
processes in the sphere of land use will help to take into account modern challenges, reduce risks, and mitigate the
consequences of negative situations.
Key words: sustainable land use; systems of notions about land; biotic environmental regulation; hierarchy of land use
control; strategic priorities and indicators; complex estimation; allowable “corridors” of land use; individual interests; social
preferences; multicriterion optimization.
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