Kozin V. Z., Komlev A. S., Volkov P. S. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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When sampling products with low mass concentration of determined components relative accidental inclination may be
high. Under the low quantity of grains which contain the determined component in a sample, probable systematic
inclination may constitute 100%. Thus, large gold grains, long-fiber asbestos and other may not be found in the weighed
quantities for analysis. General solution of accidental and probable systematic inclinations reduction is connected with the
inclusion of concentration operation in the scheme of samples preparation. It helps fulfilling the analysis over the large
sample mass. Concentration operation under samples preparation becomes efficient under the extraction of determined
component into the concentrate with the value which is higher than the one that depends on the analysis inclinations, both
ore and tailings. Transfer to the analysis of great samples at mass allows reducing probable systematic inclination up to
acceptable low values.
Key words: samples preparation scheme; concentration operation; probable systematic inclination.
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