

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Taranenko N. A. – the Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article examines legislative and regulatory framework and measures of administrative legal regulation of social
relations in the sphere of subsoil use and protection, the institute of administrative responsibility of enterprises-subsoil
users and their managers for the violation of special federal and regional subsoil laws. Legal entities are considered as
collective parties of administrative law, which is an innovation in administrative law of modern Russia. On the basis of this,
some peculiarities of prosecution and measures of punishment for enterprises – legal entities are revealed. To the
peculiarities in question refer: administrative fine, administrative violation instrument or subject confiscation, as well as
administrative business interruption for up to 90 days, which results from the nature of the given liable party. Application
ISSN 0536-1028 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 1, 2017 45
of punishment to managers of enterprises is discussed as to company officials. It has been affirmed that not all
the managers are officials. The analysis of elements of offences is given, and records of administrative offences of mining
law in the Ural Federal District, which have been reviewed by Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage.

Key words: administrative responsibility; subsoil law; mining legal relations; regulatory legal acts in the sphere of subsoil
use; administrative business interruption; legislative innovation; mineral production.

1. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences of 30th December, 2001, no. 195-FZ. Access from
“ConsultantPlus” legal reference system. (In Russ.)
2. Law of the Russian Federation “About the subsoil” of 21st February, 1992, no. 2395-1. Access from “ConsultantPlus”
legal reference system. (In Russ.)
3. Regulation on the state oversight of the geological study efficient use and protection of subsoil, approved by the
Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12th May, 2005, no. 293. Access from “ConsultantPlus”
legal reference system. (In Russ.)
4. Law of Sverdlovsk region “About administrative offences at the territory of Sverdlovsk region” of 14th June, 2005,
no. 52-ОZ. Access from “ConsultantPlus” legal reference system. (In Russ.)



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