DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2020-1-5-13
Introduction. The construction of underground installations in permafrost is aimed at ensuring the
integrated safety of power facilities, small nuclear power plants (SNPP). In these conditions, location
choice is a crucial stage in SNPP design and construction. As a rule, construction sites are situated at
remote and little developed territories. Construction in permafrost is characterized by adverse climatic
conditions and frozen soil, which lead to construction cost indicators growth.
Research aim is to carry out comparative evaluation of two sites available for the facilities arrangement
at the Peschanka copper porphyry deposit by ranking SNPP location sites.
Methodology. Natural and climatic conditions play a significant role in siting and are capable of affecting
the safety of both the nuclear facility and surrounding territories during a nuclear power plant operation.
The choice of the station location is associated with a number of natural and man-made environmental
Results. The determining factor in the use of the energy sources under consideration is the need to bring
them closer to the main energy consumers, especially in remote and hard-to-reach areas without developed
infrastructure. As part of SNPP creation concept, there is an increasing significance of research concerning
the siting of underground radiation-hazardous facilities. The methodical approach to selecting sites for
underground installations in permafrost includes their ranking.
Summary. While ranking the sites according to natural and socio-economic criteria, the most acceptable
sites for SNPPs are identified. The results of research on the choice of particular sites during the
construction of a mining and processing complex at Peschanka deposit have made it possible to make a
conclusion on the site’s suitability for underground installation adit location.
Key words: small nuclear power plant; underground installation; hard rock mass; permafrost; site
selection; ranking; Peschanka deposit; technical and economic indicators.
Acknowledgements. Research has been carried out under the government contract of the Mining Institute
KSC RAS, theme no. 0226-2018-0008.
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Received 25 July 2019