

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Vokhmin S. A., Kurchin G. S., Maiorov E. S., Kirsanov A. K., Kostylev S. S. An overview of deep horizons excavation lining technologies at Oktyabrsky deposit. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal = News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal. 2019; 7: 45–52 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.21440/0536-1028-2019-7-45-52

Introduction. Lining technologies development is a way of improving the efficiency of field development as soon as technical and economic indicators of the whole excavation construction may vary significantly depending on how correctly the lining parameters are calculated. Mine lining at ore deposits in the conditions of dynamic manifestation of rock pressure is a field that requires additional research as far as mine stability improvement is concerned.
Research aim. As soon as excavation length may currently total tens of kilometers at one mine, the problem of implementing modern technologies of mine lining ensuring economic benefit for enterprises and personnel safety becomes more relevant.
Methodology. Promising methods of mine lining were analysed based on impulse excitation damping of dynamic stress waves at the contour of excavation. Results. The paper presents mining-geological and mine engineering aspects of Oktyabrsky deposit development. A description of the most common types of mine lining is given, such as shotcrete, bolting (anchor) with or without metal grid, metal pliable lining, monolithic. A number of anchor variants have been distinguished, allowing to significantly increase their bearing capacity: combined reinforced concrete anchor; hydraulic thrust tubular anchor; resin-grouted thrust anchor; reinforced concrete anchor with double cone contour lock; seismic resistant lining.
Summary. An analysis of innovative ways of securing mine workings has shown the promise of methods based on damping the impulse effect of dynamic stress waves on the contour of the workings with the help of multilayer supports, which include a special damping layer.

Key words: mine support; deposit; mine working; plot; efficiency.

Acknowledgements: The research in the current direction is carried out by the stuff of the Underground Mining Department, FSAEI HE Siberian Federal University, under the RF President grant for the governmental support of young Russian scientists holding a PhD (МК-1178.2018.8).



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Received 31 May 2019




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