

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Kurlaev E. A. – Institute of History and Archaeology, UB RAS, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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Russian chronicles repeatedly refer to the "silver zakamskoye". Historians and archaeologists consider that it has been
referred to the silver utensil of eastern manufacture; such articles were regularly found at the territory of the Urals and
Siberia. At the same time the precious metals in the Urals have been searched for throughout the centuries in the Urals
and surrounding areas; the first references in the Russian chronicles are connected to the short story about the stone
belt (“Kamennyi Poias”). The first noted mining of nonferrous and precious metals on industrial scale in Russia began in
1492 on the river Tsilma. In the author’s opinion, "silver zakamskoye" is another deposit of argent copper in particular,
situated in the region of Severouralsk town. It was exploited in ancient times and in the medieval period, it used to be a
bone of contention, but by the beginning of the Russian colonization it had been depleted and deserted. In the 17th
century it was examined by the exploration geologists, and in the age of industrialization of the region in the 18th century
silver content in copper ore was recognized disadvantageous for extraction, nevertheless, the content of silver in copper
ore was proved. Archaeological and historical investigations make it possible to consider the content of silver in the
articles made of copper and copper in silver articles from the different point of view; it indicates the fact that these articles
could be produced from the local raw material.
Key words: the Urals; the history of mining; the discovery of silver; "silver zakamskoye".
106 «Известия вузов. Горный журнал», № 5, 2017 ISSN 0536-1028
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