Shishliannikov D. I. – Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, the Russian Federation.
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The analysis of the main strengths and weaknesses of balance pumping units is fulfilled. The urgency of the problem
of increasing the efficiency of the use of mechanical drives of downhole pumping systems for oil production is proved.
The results of pilot tests are introduced over the balance pumping units with installed permanent brushless electric motors
and control stations of VLT SALT type. Compared to asynchronous electric motors brushless motors are characterized by
higher values of the power factor, lower heat losses, lower weight and overall dimensions. It is proved that fitting out
balance pumping units with promising brushless motors and intelligent control stations makes it possible to control the
performance of the downhole sucker rod pumping units, to carry out precise and prompt regulation of work settings
regime parameters. Downhole pumping systems mechanical drives automation causes the reduction of specific energy
consumption of the process of oil production. The necessity of solving the problem of improving the reliability and reducing
the cost of advanced brushless motors and control stations is highlighted.
Key words: balance pumping unit; production of oil; downhole pumping unit; brushless motor; energy consumption; load;
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