Medvedev K. Iu., Zhuk I. V. – Republican Unitary Enterprise “Production Association “Belorusneft” BelNIPIneft,
Gomel, the Republic of Belarus. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oil reserves mining completeness increase is significant and up-to-date problem of oil companies. Introduction of modern
methods of oil recovery ratio increase requires attraction of additional capital investments, and their efficiency doesn’t
always answer expectations. The given work examines the results of repeated exposure technology application at oil field
of the 4th member of Rechitsky deposit Zadonsk level. The technology doesn’t require additional expenses for field
facilities and additional equipment purchase, and oil production cost doesn’t increase. Comprehensive work program
includes: influence on borehole zone of recovery well bed with the help of electric-centrifugal pump electric motor
alternating current frequency adjustment; influence on remote bed zone by pumping stream deflecting reagents in
injection wells; cyclic change in injected amount over the injection well stock. Works performed prove the efficiency of the
technique, but the technology requires further development.
Key words: calcareous reservoir; filtration; inhomogeneity; cyclic influence; barometric gradient; coverage ratio; oil
recovery ratio; oil recovery ratio increase techniques.
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