

ISSN 0536-1028 (Print)              ISSN 2686-9853 (Online)  

Kubarev M. S. – The Ural State Economical University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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Strovskii V. E., Peregon I. V. – The Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.
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The article examines methodological tools of the estimation of ecological-economic efficiency of wastes application from
the subsoil user point of view, who replaces fresh raw material by the secondary raw material; and from the society point
of view. Recommendations over the estimation of commercial effect are given as well as some suggestions on generation
of the effect conditioned by the economy of ecological expense: pay for environmental pollution and waste dumping,
resource tax, etc. When determining social-economic effect, the appeal to the newly developed reserves is provided,
which are more frequently situated in little-developed northern areas with poor infrastructure, and with poor and
morphologically complex ores, which is confirmed by financing structure of geological exploration and results of geological
study of subsurface. Because of the increase in the content and remoteness the consumption of raw material increases
for 1 t of commercial element, and, correspondingly, expenditure connected to minerals recovery at primary resources
field development and transportation to the consumer increases. The presence of information about outbursts, faults, and
waste dumping allows estimating economic damage, conditioned by pollution of environment during resources
exploitation. The use of methodological recommendations permits taking reasonable decisions over wastes application
on the basis of ecological-economic efficiency estimation.

Key words: wastes; fresh raw material; commercial effect; ecological-economic efficiency.


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